Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Every time that I return from a trip to Maine I am saddened by the lack of recylcing in our State. Granted that in Maine, there are redemption centers everywhere where folks who have saved their glass bottles, etc can turn them in to a redemption center to get their deposits back. Many people also give their bottles to the boy scouts or charity groups so that they may benefit from the monies returned at the redemption centers.

I don't understand why we can't do something like that here. Yes, we have recycling bins located at various point throughout the city, but what is the incentive for folks to recycle? I can drive down any street in this town and see plastic bottles, glass and aluminum cans thrown everywhere. Most people don't see the adverse impact of littering because it doesn't "affect" them. They have very little concern about the future of our environment.

We need to be the ones to make the change and set an example for our children.

There are a few places in Pinellas County where you can take aluminum for recycling and receive cash but they are not well advertised. At least lets do our part by bagging up our cans, bottles, and papers and dropping them off at the nearest recycling bin the next time we are on our way to the grocery store or mall. It only takes a few minutes to help make a huge difference for our precious Earth.

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